Tracer overwatch
Tracer overwatch

tracer overwatch

Tracer is the first Overwatch hero in the game.She became available for sale to everyone as of April 26, 2016. Those who prepurchased a digital copy of Overwatch: Origins Edition gained access to Tracer on April 19, 2016.It was revealed that Tracer would be added to Heroes of the Storm at BlizzCon 2015.Tracer is voiced by British drama actress Cara Theobold.Tracer was the first hero from the Overwatch franchise to enter the Nexus, and she appeared in Heroes of the Storm a month before Overwatch was released.Vulnerable against Heroes with powerful ranged Basic AttacksĪbilities See Data page for a table of scaled values at key levels.Can remove debuffs and can safely overextend with Recall.Excellent mobility allowing her to dive, escape and avoid skillshots.With her high burst damage and many escapes, she can be a nuisance to the enemy backline.

tracer overwatch

Due to her fragility, she relies on her Abilities to constantly reposition and outmaneuver enemy forces. Tracer is an extremely mobile Ranged Assassin who picks off straggling enemies, finishing them off. Since Overwatch's dissolution, Tracer has continued to right wrongs and fight the good fight wherever the opportunity presents itself. With her newfound skills, she became one of Overwatch's most effective agents. In addition, it gave Tracer the ability to control her own time, allowing her to speed it up and slow it down at will. Overwatch's doctors and scientists were stumped, and Tracer's case seemed hopeless until a scientist named Winston designed the chronal accelerator, a device capable of keeping Tracer anchored in the present. Even for the brief moments she was present, she was unable to maintain physical form. Suffering from "chronal disassociation," she was a living ghost, disappearing for hours and days at a time. She reappeared months later, but her ordeal had greatly changed her: her molecules had been desynchronized from the flow of time. But during its first flight, the aircraft's teleportation matrix malfunctioned, and it disappeared. Known for her fearless piloting skills, she was handpicked to test the prototype of a teleporting fighter, the Slipstream. Lena Oxton (call sign: "Tracer") was the youngest person ever inducted into Overwatch's experimental flight program. The former Overwatch agent known as Tracer is a time-jumping adventurer and an irrepressible force for good.

Tracer overwatch